Sunday, June 12, 2016

Mass Murder in Orlando, Whose Fault is It?

In the editorial, Mass murder in Orlando is the most recent in a horrific parade of violence, by The Time Editorial Board; report about Sunday’s tragedy in Orlando that one Muslim guy killed at least 50 people in night club. Currently America treats this big issue as terrorism, because it appears this issue was driven by Islamic extremism and anti-gay sentiment use the gun designed for no other purpose except killing large number of people in short amount of time.

The reason why I post this editorial is because I think this is the most interesting and an unconventional view about Orlando affair. I read numerous articles and editorials about terrorism in Orlando today, and every article were focusing same statement that this is obvious terrorism and it is all Muslims fault. However, only this editorial is focusing on different perspective. The author argues that nation should not only focus on terrorism but also know our national failure to address gun control. I agree with this editorial. Of course Orlando affair is a tragic and sad terrorism that we should know, but we cannot just claim this is all Muslim fault. In Texas, we have firearm law that person may carry either open or concealed a shotgun or rifle. This show how easy to handle gun in America and this law make people to carry gun and maybe to use which cause more danger. America provides opportunity to make issue about murder using gun. From the editorial, author post several past murder affair in America for example last few days at least seven people were killed and five wounded in shooting around Los Angeles or three people were killed and two wounded in Panorama City. This kind of affair could happened because people had right to have gun in legal way.

We are currently just blaming Muslims which we are treating as a dangerous group whose hostility to this country can have immediate and terrible consequences, but we need to realize that it’s not just assailant fault. America itself had to prevent at the first place with the law to not happen this kind of Orlando affair or any other murder. If nation do not care about handling firearm, this kind of affair will happen again. 

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