Thursday, June 23, 2016

Make People to Participate More in Election Day

On Monday, June 20, 2016, one of my classmate name Rebecca Choi came out with an argument about changing theElection Day. I strongly agree with Rebecca's opinion. There will be an upcoming big event on November 08, which is Presidential Election. Election Day is one of the most important days for people to showing their responsibility as a citizen. However, according to the article from QUARTZ, 58 countries had a better voter turnout than the United States. In 2008, 57.5 percent of American cast in the presidential election. The rate of voter turnout in U.S. is decreasing as times goes by. American citizens have to take care this issue as a serious thing. This mean lot of people is not doing their responsibility as a citizen. As Rebecca argued, it is better to avoid the Election Day on a weekday and change it to a weekend. If American people do not want to vote for many reasons like they do not care about political things or them have no time for voting in weekday, government has to change everything that they can make as possible as people to vote like changing the day into weekend or expand more days for voting because government cannot force people to vote or make Election Days as an obligatory things. So government needs to do whatever they can to make people become comfortable to vote. However, there is wrong information in Rebecca’s argument. From Rebecca’s blog, she stated that the reason people are not voting is because the Election Day is on Tuesday during a weekday and she said except the United States, all other democratic country votes in a weekend. In fact, lots of democratic countries’ Election Day are on a weekday too. For example, South Korea’s next Election Day will be on December 20, 2017, which is Wednesday. This means that America cannot blame their turnout rate is low because their Election Day is on a weekday, but changing into the weekend will definitely make people more comfortable to vote. It is our own responsibility to vote as a citizen, but a country can make better and comfortable way for us to participate in the important country event.

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