Thursday, June 9, 2016

How Government React about the Biological Threat of Zika Virus

I guess everyone will remember about Ebola threat that occurred last year. Lot of countries spent a hard time because of this disease. Currently, bigger threat of the Zika virus is spreading entire nation on United States. Zika virus is from mosquito transmit this virus to people’s body and cause serious birth defects, including microcephaly, and give risk in infants born to mothers. U.S. government realizes that this biological threat will intimidate people’s health over the nation. So according to NewYork Times, Mr. McConnell, the majority leader, said “ America agree that Zika virus is a real threat and needs to be addressed.” Last year, House approve to nation to spend 622 million dollars to fight Ebola. Currently Congress decided to support 1.1 Billion dollars to fight Zika virus and this amount of money shows how serious Zika virus is treated right now.  On Wednesday morning Mr. McConnell said on the Senate floor that Republican and Democrats worked together to pass a bill here in the senate. He asks them to cooperate each other’s and actually Senate Democrats ask Republican to move faster on this issue and treated as priority issue.

This article is worth reading because during summer, people who usually try to travel and go outside have to recognize this threat. Also people have to know detail what this threat is about and how to beware from Zika virus. I encourage class to read this not only to know we have to be careful but also see that both Democrats and Republican are cooperating to take care the nation problem as hard as they can. Government always treat biological treat or health problem priority things to take care and spend lot of money and times to figure the problem.

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