Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Donald Trump's Brutality

According to the blog called Little Green Football, Charles Johnson who is the founder of Little Green Football, posted a commentary about Donald Trump is implying President Obama as a man who is connected to the Orlando attack in Little Green Football. According to Charles, America is currently focusing on one tweet from America candidate name Donald Trump. Donald Trump seemed to accuse on his tweeter that President Obama of identifying with radicalized Muslim who occur several terrorist including most recent one with the Orlando gay nightclub. Trump state that we the citizen in America is led by a man with not tough, not smart, or got some bad plans in mind. Trump think President Obama is part of terrorism with ISIS. Trump even asks President Obama to resign because he did not prevent any of the terrorism. All of this statement from Charles blog is from the actual Washington post article that shows credibility to trust. However, Charles state his opinion about Trump’s behavior as Donald Trump’s recent insanity that appeal directly to the conspiracy-minded right wing base. I totally agree with his comment. From this class, I read a lot of political news that I have never read in my life. I thought it was really good time because presidential election is almost nearby. After I read several news or articles about Donald Trump, I realize how is possible him to become candidate. How can candidate mention his own country’s current leader as a part of terrorist. I choose this blog’s comment because it is easy to see how Trump is acting right now as a candidate and how he is really insane. This comment is telling me to think one more time who to vote for election. Charles state his logic about this year election that we the people in America, are seeing the mainstreaming of deranged conspiracy theory and racist ideas from guy now being promoted by the Republican Party’s nominee for president name Donald Trump. Using Washington posted article, he is stating how unusual candidate is elected this year. I agree with his logic that Donald Trump is showing wrong sample of what leader have to be. I even saw article called Trump is losing the Republican Party that Lincoln has achieved. The biggest reason I choose this commentary is that it makes me think we the citizen of America should search carefully and willing to know about what kind of person is our candidate for future. 

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