Sunday, June 19, 2016

Are We Letting Donald Trump to be President? My Answer is No.

Recently, American experienced tragic homicide in Orlando, Florida. From this homicide, the GOP’s standard-bearer, Donald Trump shows what kind of person he is by his response. The Associate Politics Editor name Sam Levine posts a political argument describing Trump’s response as a downright horrific in The Huffington Post. Before I state my opinion, the reason I am posting this in my blog is to tell we should not vote for Donald Trump and telling why. Donald Trump is immature, toxic, racist, and maniac person. Usually, if there is a tragic issue appears like Orlando, America’s politician put their politic aside and come together to show their strength and unity. What Donald Trump did was way opposite. He first blame current president and call him as a terrorist and man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind. In my own view, president is the leader that sacrifices his or herself to country, love their country and people, and serve as responsibility. However, Trump who called his current country leader as terrorist will never going to show respect to America or serve country for people.
While democrats and republicans try to figure what is best for America like reinforce security, Donald Trump wanted to suspend immigration that “from areas of the world there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States.” Is this some kind of joke? His tendentious decision is not for country’s future, it is just want he want to do. His action show what he will do for this country as president in future. Every decision he make for this country will not for making country better but only for his good.
Trump blame about President Obama’s speech that he should mention about ‘radical Islamic terrorist’ but he did not. President Obama responses about this comment as what exactly would it change calling like. Isn’t this wise decision that president should decide? Just calling them more rough words will not change anything except making terrorist feel bad. President has to be the wisest man in the country. President should know that his words or decision will not only affect him but also to entire nation. Trump just throw his words randomly and not thinking about what is best.
According to the commentary, same Republican like Trump many of whom had endorsed him suddenly did not want to talk about Trump’s reaction or behavior. He is already making his own side to turning against him.

Donald Trump is violating the entire basic standard to being leader of one country. He is liar, immature, toxic, and not wise person. All the response Trump did on Orlando affair really show what kind of person he is. Before the election, this class makes me read lot of article about politics and it really makes my action as a citizen to do what is best for the nation. 

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