Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Banning Transgender

From one of my colleague name Chas Wright post an argument on Thursday, June 30, 2016 about U.S. Government is banningthe transgender from the services member serving in the U.S. armed forces. This mean Government is banning all the transgender soldiers that they could not stay in armed forces anymore. President Obama came with a campaign for this issue called “Don’t ask, Don’t tell.” It was suddenly happened from nowhere. My colleague agrees with the government and said he is happy about this. However, I have different perspectives from my colleague. There will be no right reason to government to ban transgender. I mean where is right for transgender? They do not have right to do because of they are transgender? It is not right for government to banning because transgender does not give actual bad influence in U.S. armed forces. We can easily know how hard transgender served in U.S. armed forces. According to the article that I found for the addition information, TheWilliams Institute, the rate shows that transgender serving in U.S. armed forces are approximately 150,000. 150,000 are not a small numbers and it is a high rate of transgender is serving for country. Even the normal people do not want to serve, how can government wants to ban the people who really want to serve and show respect on country. It is totally wrong thing and transgender have their own right to claim that they can actually serve for this country. 

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Texas Being Independence Nation

America is the biggest nation in the world. Unlike other countries, America contains 50 states and making those states into one nation is what we call the United States. In the early United States, since they declare independence from England, they tried hard to make other states join and make United State of the nation. However, recently, one of the states is trying to be an independence nation and leave the United States. According to CBS NEWS, recently Texas is trying to be independence nation and collecting votes from Texas people. People are calling about this issue as a Texit. Texas is getting exit is what Texit mean. The issue about Texas trying to be independence nation happened few years ago. In 2014, 12 million people vote for agreeing Texas becoming independence nation. However, Supreme Court rejects the votes and thought about being independence because Supreme Court thought it was violating the constitution.

The one reason Texas wants to be in Texit is that they do not want to follow federal government and constitution. In my opinion, Texas should not try to be independence nation. Every other state has to deal with the constitution and the federal government. Texas is the most important and huge state from America and helps America a lot. From the article, there is a video that one man said that “No one knows we're even here," and pointing California and New York and saying that “these two states are all for America, not us.” However, that is not true. In a great economic power rank, Texas is in the rank above ten in the world. Texas is having huge power in World. If Texas just get out from the United States and become independence nation, it will give huge bad influence to the United States economic system. Texas is giving huge benefit in this nation. Texas cannot just be independence nation. This is not a good thing for Texas and for the United States. U.S. cannot lose the best state in the nation and it will give huge flaw.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Make People to Participate More in Election Day

On Monday, June 20, 2016, one of my classmate name Rebecca Choi came out with an argument about changing theElection Day. I strongly agree with Rebecca's opinion. There will be an upcoming big event on November 08, which is Presidential Election. Election Day is one of the most important days for people to showing their responsibility as a citizen. However, according to the article from QUARTZ, 58 countries had a better voter turnout than the United States. In 2008, 57.5 percent of American cast in the presidential election. The rate of voter turnout in U.S. is decreasing as times goes by. American citizens have to take care this issue as a serious thing. This mean lot of people is not doing their responsibility as a citizen. As Rebecca argued, it is better to avoid the Election Day on a weekday and change it to a weekend. If American people do not want to vote for many reasons like they do not care about political things or them have no time for voting in weekday, government has to change everything that they can make as possible as people to vote like changing the day into weekend or expand more days for voting because government cannot force people to vote or make Election Days as an obligatory things. So government needs to do whatever they can to make people become comfortable to vote. However, there is wrong information in Rebecca’s argument. From Rebecca’s blog, she stated that the reason people are not voting is because the Election Day is on Tuesday during a weekday and she said except the United States, all other democratic country votes in a weekend. In fact, lots of democratic countries’ Election Day are on a weekday too. For example, South Korea’s next Election Day will be on December 20, 2017, which is Wednesday. This means that America cannot blame their turnout rate is low because their Election Day is on a weekday, but changing into the weekend will definitely make people more comfortable to vote. It is our own responsibility to vote as a citizen, but a country can make better and comfortable way for us to participate in the important country event.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Are We Letting Donald Trump to be President? My Answer is No.

Recently, American experienced tragic homicide in Orlando, Florida. From this homicide, the GOP’s standard-bearer, Donald Trump shows what kind of person he is by his response. The Associate Politics Editor name Sam Levine posts a political argument describing Trump’s response as a downright horrific in The Huffington Post. Before I state my opinion, the reason I am posting this in my blog is to tell we should not vote for Donald Trump and telling why. Donald Trump is immature, toxic, racist, and maniac person. Usually, if there is a tragic issue appears like Orlando, America’s politician put their politic aside and come together to show their strength and unity. What Donald Trump did was way opposite. He first blame current president and call him as a terrorist and man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind. In my own view, president is the leader that sacrifices his or herself to country, love their country and people, and serve as responsibility. However, Trump who called his current country leader as terrorist will never going to show respect to America or serve country for people.
While democrats and republicans try to figure what is best for America like reinforce security, Donald Trump wanted to suspend immigration that “from areas of the world there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States.” Is this some kind of joke? His tendentious decision is not for country’s future, it is just want he want to do. His action show what he will do for this country as president in future. Every decision he make for this country will not for making country better but only for his good.
Trump blame about President Obama’s speech that he should mention about ‘radical Islamic terrorist’ but he did not. President Obama responses about this comment as what exactly would it change calling like. Isn’t this wise decision that president should decide? Just calling them more rough words will not change anything except making terrorist feel bad. President has to be the wisest man in the country. President should know that his words or decision will not only affect him but also to entire nation. Trump just throw his words randomly and not thinking about what is best.
According to the commentary, same Republican like Trump many of whom had endorsed him suddenly did not want to talk about Trump’s reaction or behavior. He is already making his own side to turning against him.

Donald Trump is violating the entire basic standard to being leader of one country. He is liar, immature, toxic, and not wise person. All the response Trump did on Orlando affair really show what kind of person he is. Before the election, this class makes me read lot of article about politics and it really makes my action as a citizen to do what is best for the nation. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Donald Trump's Brutality

According to the blog called Little Green Football, Charles Johnson who is the founder of Little Green Football, posted a commentary about Donald Trump is implying President Obama as a man who is connected to the Orlando attack in Little Green Football. According to Charles, America is currently focusing on one tweet from America candidate name Donald Trump. Donald Trump seemed to accuse on his tweeter that President Obama of identifying with radicalized Muslim who occur several terrorist including most recent one with the Orlando gay nightclub. Trump state that we the citizen in America is led by a man with not tough, not smart, or got some bad plans in mind. Trump think President Obama is part of terrorism with ISIS. Trump even asks President Obama to resign because he did not prevent any of the terrorism. All of this statement from Charles blog is from the actual Washington post article that shows credibility to trust. However, Charles state his opinion about Trump’s behavior as Donald Trump’s recent insanity that appeal directly to the conspiracy-minded right wing base. I totally agree with his comment. From this class, I read a lot of political news that I have never read in my life. I thought it was really good time because presidential election is almost nearby. After I read several news or articles about Donald Trump, I realize how is possible him to become candidate. How can candidate mention his own country’s current leader as a part of terrorist. I choose this blog’s comment because it is easy to see how Trump is acting right now as a candidate and how he is really insane. This comment is telling me to think one more time who to vote for election. Charles state his logic about this year election that we the people in America, are seeing the mainstreaming of deranged conspiracy theory and racist ideas from guy now being promoted by the Republican Party’s nominee for president name Donald Trump. Using Washington posted article, he is stating how unusual candidate is elected this year. I agree with his logic that Donald Trump is showing wrong sample of what leader have to be. I even saw article called Trump is losing the Republican Party that Lincoln has achieved. The biggest reason I choose this commentary is that it makes me think we the citizen of America should search carefully and willing to know about what kind of person is our candidate for future. 

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Mass Murder in Orlando, Whose Fault is It?

In the editorial, Mass murder in Orlando is the most recent in a horrific parade of violence, by The Time Editorial Board; report about Sunday’s tragedy in Orlando that one Muslim guy killed at least 50 people in night club. Currently America treats this big issue as terrorism, because it appears this issue was driven by Islamic extremism and anti-gay sentiment use the gun designed for no other purpose except killing large number of people in short amount of time.

The reason why I post this editorial is because I think this is the most interesting and an unconventional view about Orlando affair. I read numerous articles and editorials about terrorism in Orlando today, and every article were focusing same statement that this is obvious terrorism and it is all Muslims fault. However, only this editorial is focusing on different perspective. The author argues that nation should not only focus on terrorism but also know our national failure to address gun control. I agree with this editorial. Of course Orlando affair is a tragic and sad terrorism that we should know, but we cannot just claim this is all Muslim fault. In Texas, we have firearm law that person may carry either open or concealed a shotgun or rifle. This show how easy to handle gun in America and this law make people to carry gun and maybe to use which cause more danger. America provides opportunity to make issue about murder using gun. From the editorial, author post several past murder affair in America for example last few days at least seven people were killed and five wounded in shooting around Los Angeles or three people were killed and two wounded in Panorama City. This kind of affair could happened because people had right to have gun in legal way.

We are currently just blaming Muslims which we are treating as a dangerous group whose hostility to this country can have immediate and terrible consequences, but we need to realize that it’s not just assailant fault. America itself had to prevent at the first place with the law to not happen this kind of Orlando affair or any other murder. If nation do not care about handling firearm, this kind of affair will happen again. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

How Government React about the Biological Threat of Zika Virus

I guess everyone will remember about Ebola threat that occurred last year. Lot of countries spent a hard time because of this disease. Currently, bigger threat of the Zika virus is spreading entire nation on United States. Zika virus is from mosquito transmit this virus to people’s body and cause serious birth defects, including microcephaly, and give risk in infants born to mothers. U.S. government realizes that this biological threat will intimidate people’s health over the nation. So according to NewYork Times, Mr. McConnell, the majority leader, said “ America agree that Zika virus is a real threat and needs to be addressed.” Last year, House approve to nation to spend 622 million dollars to fight Ebola. Currently Congress decided to support 1.1 Billion dollars to fight Zika virus and this amount of money shows how serious Zika virus is treated right now.  On Wednesday morning Mr. McConnell said on the Senate floor that Republican and Democrats worked together to pass a bill here in the senate. He asks them to cooperate each other’s and actually Senate Democrats ask Republican to move faster on this issue and treated as priority issue.

This article is worth reading because during summer, people who usually try to travel and go outside have to recognize this threat. Also people have to know detail what this threat is about and how to beware from Zika virus. I encourage class to read this not only to know we have to be careful but also see that both Democrats and Republican are cooperating to take care the nation problem as hard as they can. Government always treat biological treat or health problem priority things to take care and spend lot of money and times to figure the problem.