Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Banning Transgender

From one of my colleague name Chas Wright post an argument on Thursday, June 30, 2016 about U.S. Government is banningthe transgender from the services member serving in the U.S. armed forces. This mean Government is banning all the transgender soldiers that they could not stay in armed forces anymore. President Obama came with a campaign for this issue called “Don’t ask, Don’t tell.” It was suddenly happened from nowhere. My colleague agrees with the government and said he is happy about this. However, I have different perspectives from my colleague. There will be no right reason to government to ban transgender. I mean where is right for transgender? They do not have right to do because of they are transgender? It is not right for government to banning because transgender does not give actual bad influence in U.S. armed forces. We can easily know how hard transgender served in U.S. armed forces. According to the article that I found for the addition information, TheWilliams Institute, the rate shows that transgender serving in U.S. armed forces are approximately 150,000. 150,000 are not a small numbers and it is a high rate of transgender is serving for country. Even the normal people do not want to serve, how can government wants to ban the people who really want to serve and show respect on country. It is totally wrong thing and transgender have their own right to claim that they can actually serve for this country.